Data Point: Environmental Effects of Genetically Engineered Vaccines?
Bullet Points for a 1999 archived article by Terje Traavik, Norway - in relation to "Edible Vaccines"
CONTEXT: I pull out data points all day, logging them under various resource topics found at Totality of Evidence.
Today, as I was adding data points to Edible Vaccines, and as I was reading a particluar 1999 archived article, I found myself extracting way too many bullet points, I try to keep them shors so as the timeline remains relatively. So instead I decided to create this substack article - and use this as a reference.
If you are not aware of my work, I log chrolological references of which extract a few bullet points to draw attention to the content found in the dated reference.
You’ll understand what I mean when you visit the many resource topic, such as the specific page titled Edible Vaccines.
It is so interesting looking back at what was known and not known only 23 years ago in the area of genetic engineering, biotechnology and vaccine risks. These are the types of rabbit holes I go down just about every day!
It started with “Eat up your vaccines” article
Firstly, while I was reading “Eat up your vaccines”, a 2004 article in Biosafety Information Centre (which I suggest you read), it referenced the article I’m going to bullet point:
T Traavik (1999), ‘Environmental Effects of Genetically Engineered Vaccines,’ Third World Network Online,
I located the first archive on August 29, 2000 - it is not found TODAY [I love the wayback machine!]
Data point:
1999 - Third World Network: Environmental Effects of Genetically Engineered Vaccines? by Terje Traavik, Norway - READ
(Bold and links are my own, [my comments are in brackets] )
“Some types of genetically engineered or modified vaccines that are now being developed pose potential ecological and environmental risks…In practice, however, the risks are considered to be non-existent, since they have not been supported by experimental or epidemiological investigations. This, again, is a “Catch-22” situation, in the sense that such investigations have not been performed at all.”
[If authorities don’t look then they can say there is “no evidence”. The public are deceived, as they tend to believe an investigation has been done when “no evidence” is used.]
“At the present, the definition of “safety” is very narrow in vaccinology.”
“Vaccination is a form of prevention or prophylaxis of infectious disease and cancers….an individual that is immune to a specific infectious agent will be left unharmed when infected by that agent again.”
[Since 2021 “immunity” is no longer a consideration for the definition of vaccine, and infection and transmission are no longer considered a “standard” by FDA]
“Vaccination intends to provide individuals with immunological protection before an infection actually takes place. However, the immune system is very complex, and immunity against different infectious agents is based on fine-tuned balances between the various types of cells, signal substances and antibodies that make up the total immune system.”
[Where FDA & CDC considers the just production of an “antibody” i.e. an “immune response” to be adequate]
“By modern techniques, “killed” vaccines may be based on single proteins purified extensively to constitute safe preparations with seemingly no side effects. However, in general such vaccines have given short-lived general immune responses, and weak local immune responses.”
[Exactly what we have seen with the COVID-19 spike protein targeted “vaccines” – this was known in 2000]
“Genetically modified viruses and genetically engineered virus-vector vaccines carry significant unpredictability and a number of inherent harmful potentials and hazards…[such as when] broken down in the environment, their nucleic acids will be released, representing the same unpredictable risk potentials as the DNA and RNA vaccines [discussed in the article]
“…it was recently demonstrated that genetically engineered bacteria might transfer their new gene efficiently to indigenous bacteria in the mammalian gut. This potential risk has not been investigated for bacteria that are now being genetically engineered as oral vaccines.”
“Naked DNA vaccines are engineered from general genetic shuttle vectors” …[they] may persist much longer in the environment than dogmas held just a short time ago….horizontal gene transfer with unpredictable long- and short-term biological and ecological effects is a real hazard with such vaccines”
“There is also growing concern about harmful effects due to random insertions of vaccine constructs into cellular genomes in target or non-target species”
[This is being discussed in 2023 for mRNA products, including short DNA contamination]
“RNA vaccines may have a far way to go before any of them find practical use. Although easy degradation is a serious problem with RNA work in the lab, RNA may be surprisingly resistant under natural conditions. At the present time recombination between related RNA molecules has become a real concern. RNA recombination is far more common than dogmatic views held until recently.”
“Genetically engineered plants produce “edible vaccines“. Little is known about the consequences of releasing such plants into the environment, but there are examples of transgenic plants that seriously alter their biological environment. A number of unpredicted and unwanted incidents have already taken place with genetically engineered plants.”
“Some environmental pollutants (xenobiotics, i.e. PCBs, dioxins, heavy metals) may interact with genetically engineered vaccines, adding to their unpredictability and the inability to perform meaningful risk assessments”
Recent experiences ought to call for humility with regard to environmental effects of science and technology. In many cases, “experts” were proven wrong after damage had been done. To the extent that any prior investigations of damaging effects had been undertaken, methods used were inadequate and only capable to reveal short-term effects, whereas the long-term impacts were the most important and serious.” [Repeated with COVID-19 jabs!]
“Vaccinology is the “Holy Grail” of medicine [or so it is preached]. Nevertheless, there are other ways of preventing infectious diseases in humans and animals, and these should not be ignored.” [Totally agree - start by boosting your immune system]
Many of the most burdening infectious agents of mankind and its domesticated animals are caused by pathogens that have reservoirs and are circulating among wildlife animals. By increasing our knowledge about these reservoirs, their occurrence, the transmission routes within and out of the indigenous ecosystems, we might be able to break transmission chains, or keep our activities out of dangerous ecosystems. There is a void in knowledge about the ecological interactions of many important pathogens. This field is to some extent subdued by the confidence in vaccines, and hence it is a scientific orphan.
[The field’s void was filled with Gain of Function research, and collecting Bat virus’s in China etc.]
End Bullet Points
I suggest you just read the article
Edible Vaccines
You’ll find the Traavik reference in Edible Vaccines under 1999
I’ve come to learn that the topic of “edible vaccines” came about around 1995 from the convergence of genetic engineering, GMO crops 2.0 (‘functional foods’) and the World Health Organisation calling for novel ways to vaccinate the “developing world” - stating with engineering potatos and bananas
But for foods we also have to consider that mRNA technology vaccines have emerged in livestock too and as we know the lipid nanoparticle, as well as the antigen protein and free pseudourinated mRNA travels the entire body - we have to consider that the meat we consume and animal products such as milk, and maybe eggs in time are a way for humans to indirectly, “unintentionally” or maybe intentionally consume a “vaccine”.
I am learning so much by adding data points to the “Edible Vaccines” PAGE, it’s there for you to educate yourself too.
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Thank you Jack. I'm so glad you are writing a Substack. I have great appreciation for your prior and ongoing TOE work. I've got to figure out a way to start supporting substacks, esp newish ones like yours, in my budget. That's the best way to show my appreciation. You are touching on topics now, that my research is intensely associated with. I only wish you were on Twitter as well. Perhaps you were there before and would considering coming back? I'm exploring using Notes now, too.
Thanks Jack. Frigging with anything to do with or even near human DNS is insane madness.
The fact that zero regulatory authorities on earth have taken any action regarding the use in humans, animals or vegetation is an evil disgrace.