Wrong person to accuse of never doing anything to stop evil. SEE: https://informedconsentdefense.org/ I am the founder of The Control Group and I've devoted years of my life to fighting WITHOUT PAY and pouring my own money into the battle.
Maybe go accuse someone else of doing NOTHING. And while you're at it, why don't you tell me what YOU have been doing to "stop evil."
I don't know: what have YOU DONE to stop evil? Wanna go around like 8-year-olds forever? Funny thing is, your answer clearly shows nothing you did stopped anything. The very first sentence on the web page says "the US Supreme Court denied The Control Group’s petition for writ of certiorari."
Are you asking the Federal Agents who knowingly forwarded a corporate agenda into policy to implicate themselves? & are you accepting that they refused to do this as legal? Is that what the constitution says?
So far as I know, politicians are Private Citizens with no exemptions from the law or any more rights than you or I. The laws already on the books make it illegal for ANYONE to MANDATE ANYONE ELSE "have" to get anything injected ever for any reason. This doesn't change if the thing they are injecting is meant for harm OR good, or if the person claiming it's for the good is a janitor or congressperson. It's all illegal period. The end.
So why ask them to accept The Control Group’s petition for writ of certiorari? Why not prosecute them under Actual Laws That Exist Now? If we refuse to enforce ones we already have, what are new written rules we also lack the courage to enforce going to do? Are you begging the perpetrators to please arrest themselves?
& what's your Plan B now that they've refused? To beg harder, louder or with more cowbell?
Nothing is PHYSICALLY stopping us from arresting a single politician for any one of a number of things. Using one's public office for personal gain is so illegal it's the #1 thing listed on Trump's articles of impeachment. We could have everyone who voted to "mandate" (again, it's 100% illegal, so we could have them charged just for that) separately for every lobbying payment they've received. It's not like we don't have records of it, they're so sure you won't charge them they do it openly http://allaregreen.us/.
& that's my point. Everyone here wants to retain the infantile belief that politicians are Government Itself & are there to protect them. They want this MORE than they want protection for their own children. Every single supposed legal effort I've seen so far does the following, begs the politicians themselves to please voluntarily be less abusive in what they force us to do, but takes No Actions Whatever to remove them FROM their ability to keep killing children.
What would you say if I watched them about to club them to death like seals, could have taken action to stop them but instead said "I begged them to stop themselves, but they refused so I let them do it?"
That's what I've seen my Entire Life: everyone making reverence of mere authority FIGURES a Higher Priority than saving the lives of children. Well they are KNOWINGLY making decisions that harm your children & they will never voluntarily stop. So ALL that's left is to decide which you want more, safety for the victims, or for the perpetrators.
Or you can wait for each person on this list to VOLUNTARILY reject these amounts of $ http://allaregreen.us/. With more cowbell. How will THAT stop the evil? It won't.
Wouldn't your time spent attacking people who are at least TRYING to stop evil, be better spent actually GOING AFTER EVIL? Seriously, you see ME as the only "problem" that you can possibly address in any of this? Attacking people online is your best shot at fighting "evil."
Again, please show me what you've done, (whether you "won" or not) to even ATTEMPT to actually fight evil? Links please?
I take it from your comments that you believe only violent murders/assaults qualify as a form of "evil" that should ever be addressed. I see the oncoming extermination of over 90% of humanity (via "scientific" means) as far worse, (and far more cowardly) even if this method doesn't APPEAR to be immediately violent.
By confronting SCOTUS 4 times, I've exhausted all possible CIVIL remedies. It's clear there are NONE left. And so, I am quite clear at this late stage, the only possible remedies remaining will, by necessity, be quite UNcivilized from here forward. And only a MORON would actually post things about any of THOSE types of plans and efforts.
I still feel that it was important finish proving up, (documenting) that FACT that there no possible CIVIL remedies left to us, as we fight to prevent our own extermination at the hands of the U.S. Federal government's executive agencies. And now there's no way they (SCOTUS-slags) can ever again say they "didn't know" what was happening. SCOTUS sought only to add pretense of "authority" to the intentional physical destruction of the majority of Americans by obscenely ruling that the extermination of the American people is a "constitutionally authorized" and proper activity of the federal government. Thus, SCOTUS has lost ALL credibility, (any that remained;-)
The study definitively proved there's only a 1 in THREE TIMES THE NUMBER OF ATOMS ESTIMATED TO EXIST IN THE UNIVERSE chance that vaccines are NOT the cause of well-over 90% of the deadly and disabling conditions suffered by Americans. It was the first-ever Nationwide study (48 states) showing the long-term health outcomes between entirely unvaccinated and vaccine-exposed Americans. You may believe it's more "moral" and urgent to stop the clubbing of baby seals right now, than it is to document just how deadly the vaccines are, but I disagree.
I guess you need to get back to your online harassments of more people who are TRYING their level best to stop evil in whatever way they think they might be ABLE to stop it, when and where they see it. I'm sure the most powerful people who are doing the most evil in this world are petrified of YOU, given how hard YOU'RE fighting to stop evil by attacking people like me. You should ask pharma to fund your "operations." I'm sure they'd send you a check for attacking me.
I'm still waiting for the links to show all of your great efforts (or even a feeble ATTEMPT) at fighting ANY evil.
Your only "job" in any of this appears to be attacking others online for not fighting according to your dictates, and/or not having fully succeeded yet, despite their best efforts to put a stop to this ongoing extermination.
Oh, so your contribution is to tell other people what they should do?
My question was: What have you done? (As in, YOU actually DOING SOMETHING YOURSELF.)
Anything BESIDES attacking people who are DOING something to at least TRY to get some justice, if such might have been available via CIVIL remedies (which includes CRIMINAL "due process" for the perps)???
Okay. So get back to attacking others for not doing what you say. BTW: Since SCOTUS has already deemed this extermination to be a "lawful" one, I'm sure your directions for others to follow will work out great;-)
Again, since ALL of what you're reporting on is the Direct End Result Of corporations getting their agendas forwarded into policy by paying for it, the only way to defeat ALL such agendas is to mount a legal, non-violent effort to remove the ability of corporations to do so permanently. The laws currently in place already make this illegal. So it's 100% a matter of getting more public support for such an effort than can be dismissed or blocked.
This requires planning. It also requires what Margaret Mead correctly identified as a few concerned citizens to start it. If everyone remains in a holding pattern waiting for "someone" to "do something" with "someone" Always Meaning "someone else" we will simply continue waiting for this mythical someone else. If we take the action, then it happens.
Okay. I also saw your more recent post directly to me & I'll reply there if I can think of something remotely adequate to say. But here in the open I'm trying to get One Other Person to go with me beyond the rhetorical stage.
We need to go from everyone being too terrified to even contemplate thinking against their authority FIGURES to getting them all on board. & like the first guy dancing on this beach https://www.corbettreport.com/the-bystander-effect-solutionswatch-video/ what I need first is One Other Person to say the Same Thing. It doesn't have to be My Thing. Whatever gets us to the point where people stop being afraid to hold POLITICIANS accountable. Like that link there, the problems are psychological. There is nothing PHYSICAL keeping us from doing this. More after another reply.
And then the US wasn't enough and they started spreading it globally...and the pharmaceutical industry has been growing ever since..and then that wasn't enough and they decided that humanity needed improvement... remove the imperfect and undesirable... and cull the herd in the name of overpopulation and
sustainability...this are my thoughts on the matter. We've been being poisoned in one way or the other ever since. It only seems to be increasing and intensify. Thank you for this post.
You will find a wealth of historical medical information (how we got here) as well as current advice and scientific information from a true scientist and humanitarian. You won’t be disappointed if you subscribe to this amazing resource.
Fascinating! I found an AI scan of the text on there, it's got a lot of mistakes, would require some cleanup, but perhaps it might be of use if you wanted to post a transcript:
Under the archived online document there are various options with which to download the document. I prefer PDF format (good for printing) or sometimes reading directly from the online archive works, just hard to take notes!!
I want people to read Annie's words in full for themselves....so I didn't paste the copy within the stack.
Funny how they call alternative medicine (safe and natural) "snake oil" WHILE they're literally injecting everyone with snake VENOM.
That old eternal unstoppable "they," eh? Higher Beings from another dimension who can affect us but not the reverse, eh?
It's fun to have built-in excuses for doing nothing to stop an evil, isn't it?
Wrong person to accuse of never doing anything to stop evil. SEE: https://informedconsentdefense.org/ I am the founder of The Control Group and I've devoted years of my life to fighting WITHOUT PAY and pouring my own money into the battle.
Maybe go accuse someone else of doing NOTHING. And while you're at it, why don't you tell me what YOU have been doing to "stop evil."
I don't know: what have YOU DONE to stop evil? Wanna go around like 8-year-olds forever? Funny thing is, your answer clearly shows nothing you did stopped anything. The very first sentence on the web page says "the US Supreme Court denied The Control Group’s petition for writ of certiorari."
Are you asking the Federal Agents who knowingly forwarded a corporate agenda into policy to implicate themselves? & are you accepting that they refused to do this as legal? Is that what the constitution says?
So far as I know, politicians are Private Citizens with no exemptions from the law or any more rights than you or I. The laws already on the books make it illegal for ANYONE to MANDATE ANYONE ELSE "have" to get anything injected ever for any reason. This doesn't change if the thing they are injecting is meant for harm OR good, or if the person claiming it's for the good is a janitor or congressperson. It's all illegal period. The end.
So why ask them to accept The Control Group’s petition for writ of certiorari? Why not prosecute them under Actual Laws That Exist Now? If we refuse to enforce ones we already have, what are new written rules we also lack the courage to enforce going to do? Are you begging the perpetrators to please arrest themselves?
& what's your Plan B now that they've refused? To beg harder, louder or with more cowbell?
Nothing is PHYSICALLY stopping us from arresting a single politician for any one of a number of things. Using one's public office for personal gain is so illegal it's the #1 thing listed on Trump's articles of impeachment. We could have everyone who voted to "mandate" (again, it's 100% illegal, so we could have them charged just for that) separately for every lobbying payment they've received. It's not like we don't have records of it, they're so sure you won't charge them they do it openly http://allaregreen.us/.
& that's my point. Everyone here wants to retain the infantile belief that politicians are Government Itself & are there to protect them. They want this MORE than they want protection for their own children. Every single supposed legal effort I've seen so far does the following, begs the politicians themselves to please voluntarily be less abusive in what they force us to do, but takes No Actions Whatever to remove them FROM their ability to keep killing children.
What would you say if I watched them about to club them to death like seals, could have taken action to stop them but instead said "I begged them to stop themselves, but they refused so I let them do it?"
That's what I've seen my Entire Life: everyone making reverence of mere authority FIGURES a Higher Priority than saving the lives of children. Well they are KNOWINGLY making decisions that harm your children & they will never voluntarily stop. So ALL that's left is to decide which you want more, safety for the victims, or for the perpetrators.
Or you can wait for each person on this list to VOLUNTARILY reject these amounts of $ http://allaregreen.us/. With more cowbell. How will THAT stop the evil? It won't.
It won't save any lives either.
Wouldn't your time spent attacking people who are at least TRYING to stop evil, be better spent actually GOING AFTER EVIL? Seriously, you see ME as the only "problem" that you can possibly address in any of this? Attacking people online is your best shot at fighting "evil."
Again, please show me what you've done, (whether you "won" or not) to even ATTEMPT to actually fight evil? Links please?
I take it from your comments that you believe only violent murders/assaults qualify as a form of "evil" that should ever be addressed. I see the oncoming extermination of over 90% of humanity (via "scientific" means) as far worse, (and far more cowardly) even if this method doesn't APPEAR to be immediately violent.
By confronting SCOTUS 4 times, I've exhausted all possible CIVIL remedies. It's clear there are NONE left. And so, I am quite clear at this late stage, the only possible remedies remaining will, by necessity, be quite UNcivilized from here forward. And only a MORON would actually post things about any of THOSE types of plans and efforts.
I still feel that it was important finish proving up, (documenting) that FACT that there no possible CIVIL remedies left to us, as we fight to prevent our own extermination at the hands of the U.S. Federal government's executive agencies. And now there's no way they (SCOTUS-slags) can ever again say they "didn't know" what was happening. SCOTUS sought only to add pretense of "authority" to the intentional physical destruction of the majority of Americans by obscenely ruling that the extermination of the American people is a "constitutionally authorized" and proper activity of the federal government. Thus, SCOTUS has lost ALL credibility, (any that remained;-)
The Control Group study was later peer reviewed and published in an international journal. SEE: https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/40
The study definitively proved there's only a 1 in THREE TIMES THE NUMBER OF ATOMS ESTIMATED TO EXIST IN THE UNIVERSE chance that vaccines are NOT the cause of well-over 90% of the deadly and disabling conditions suffered by Americans. It was the first-ever Nationwide study (48 states) showing the long-term health outcomes between entirely unvaccinated and vaccine-exposed Americans. You may believe it's more "moral" and urgent to stop the clubbing of baby seals right now, than it is to document just how deadly the vaccines are, but I disagree.
I guess you need to get back to your online harassments of more people who are TRYING their level best to stop evil in whatever way they think they might be ABLE to stop it, when and where they see it. I'm sure the most powerful people who are doing the most evil in this world are petrified of YOU, given how hard YOU'RE fighting to stop evil by attacking people like me. You should ask pharma to fund your "operations." I'm sure they'd send you a check for attacking me.
I also pointed out how we can charge, prosecute & arrest the people responsible for this, end the mandates & save lives.
So, po-tay-to, po-tah-to.
I'm still waiting for the links to show all of your great efforts (or even a feeble ATTEMPT) at fighting ANY evil.
Your only "job" in any of this appears to be attacking others online for not fighting according to your dictates, and/or not having fully succeeded yet, despite their best efforts to put a stop to this ongoing extermination.
No answer? Just more attacks. I thought so.
Oh, so your contribution is to tell other people what they should do?
My question was: What have you done? (As in, YOU actually DOING SOMETHING YOURSELF.)
Anything BESIDES attacking people who are DOING something to at least TRY to get some justice, if such might have been available via CIVIL remedies (which includes CRIMINAL "due process" for the perps)???
Okay. So get back to attacking others for not doing what you say. BTW: Since SCOTUS has already deemed this extermination to be a "lawful" one, I'm sure your directions for others to follow will work out great;-)
Hi Jack, can I have your permission to add your website to www.deathbyhospitalprotocol.com
You resources are very helpful to our mission in uncovering the truth in our medical mafia.
Sure, Link away. I have whole pages of links. Linking is my life!
So glad you find it useful...that is the whole point.
Thanks for asking.
Again, since ALL of what you're reporting on is the Direct End Result Of corporations getting their agendas forwarded into policy by paying for it, the only way to defeat ALL such agendas is to mount a legal, non-violent effort to remove the ability of corporations to do so permanently. The laws currently in place already make this illegal. So it's 100% a matter of getting more public support for such an effort than can be dismissed or blocked.
This requires planning. It also requires what Margaret Mead correctly identified as a few concerned citizens to start it. If everyone remains in a holding pattern waiting for "someone" to "do something" with "someone" Always Meaning "someone else" we will simply continue waiting for this mythical someone else. If we take the action, then it happens.
Care to chat?
You are absolutely correct!
Okay. I also saw your more recent post directly to me & I'll reply there if I can think of something remotely adequate to say. But here in the open I'm trying to get One Other Person to go with me beyond the rhetorical stage.
We need to go from everyone being too terrified to even contemplate thinking against their authority FIGURES to getting them all on board. & like the first guy dancing on this beach https://www.corbettreport.com/the-bystander-effect-solutionswatch-video/ what I need first is One Other Person to say the Same Thing. It doesn't have to be My Thing. Whatever gets us to the point where people stop being afraid to hold POLITICIANS accountable. Like that link there, the problems are psychological. There is nothing PHYSICAL keeping us from doing this. More after another reply.
The Creation of Health Canada and PHAC - Are you aware of this?
Blind trust indeed!!!!!!!
And then the US wasn't enough and they started spreading it globally...and the pharmaceutical industry has been growing ever since..and then that wasn't enough and they decided that humanity needed improvement... remove the imperfect and undesirable... and cull the herd in the name of overpopulation and
sustainability...this are my thoughts on the matter. We've been being poisoned in one way or the other ever since. It only seems to be increasing and intensify. Thank you for this post.
I highly recommend to all “The Forgotten Side of Medicine” substack, by A Midwestern Doctor: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/
You will find a wealth of historical medical information (how we got here) as well as current advice and scientific information from a true scientist and humanitarian. You won’t be disappointed if you subscribe to this amazing resource.
It's actually worse https://www.cultofthemedics.com/
Fascinating! I found an AI scan of the text on there, it's got a lot of mistakes, would require some cleanup, but perhaps it might be of use if you wanted to post a transcript:
Under the archived online document there are various options with which to download the document. I prefer PDF format (good for printing) or sometimes reading directly from the online archive works, just hard to take notes!!
I want people to read Annie's words in full for themselves....so I didn't paste the copy within the stack.
Thanks though.