S. Hahnemann used Belladonna as homeoprophylaxsis to prevent scarlet fever in an essay in 1801 (Cure and Prevention of Scarlet Fever; Lesser Writings). A much earlier entry point for the emergence of preventative medicine. Admittedly, not in relation to influenza.
Arsenicum album and Arsenicum Iodium were successfully used as prophylactic for COVID in the slums of Mumbai in 2020. Although this point was omitted from the newspaper article that reported on the efforts to avert a contagion event running rampant through this crowded area. I did a webinar with the homeopath who instigated the distribution of remedies.
Thanks for the info Jayne. 1801 - homeopathy was well ahead by 100 years with prophylaxis!
What seems to be coming out in my readings is that the ground swell of bacteriology , that started with pasteur, coupled with the lack of effective allopathic treatments, was pushing allopathic medicine more and more towards a preventive approach, ...i.e. bacterial vaccines. I still wonder how much of a role they played in 1918.
I have spent a lot of time exploring the 1918 pandemic...which led me into the archive documents. I hope other's take the time to explore too. Here is a timeline of my research which I update:
Thank you. I have a digital copy of "1898 – Vaccination Proved Useless & Dangeous".
Hhmmm, 1898 - 2025; nothing has changed, the Malthusiant Eugenics Cult has grown exponentially. Why aren't they practising on their own kindred to make a better world?
Massive industrialization creating air pollution in cities, forced migration into urban enters and accompanying squalid conditions, widespread industrial warfare with chemical agents, increased social stressors etc. were all causative.
"The grippe" and so many other conditions came about because of the social conditions AND these "new diseases" were used as cover to hide the fact that these conditions were the causal factors not alleged microbes.
Along with that came an entirely new and lucrative business model, the health management system, which is currently the largest economic force (read: racketeering operation) in the world.
S. Hahnemann used Belladonna as homeoprophylaxsis to prevent scarlet fever in an essay in 1801 (Cure and Prevention of Scarlet Fever; Lesser Writings). A much earlier entry point for the emergence of preventative medicine. Admittedly, not in relation to influenza.
Arsenicum album and Arsenicum Iodium were successfully used as prophylactic for COVID in the slums of Mumbai in 2020. Although this point was omitted from the newspaper article that reported on the efforts to avert a contagion event running rampant through this crowded area. I did a webinar with the homeopath who instigated the distribution of remedies.
Thanks for the info Jayne. 1801 - homeopathy was well ahead by 100 years with prophylaxis!
What seems to be coming out in my readings is that the ground swell of bacteriology , that started with pasteur, coupled with the lack of effective allopathic treatments, was pushing allopathic medicine more and more towards a preventive approach, ...i.e. bacterial vaccines. I still wonder how much of a role they played in 1918.
So much history to take in.
This article may be of interest to you:
Thank you.
I have spent a lot of time exploring the 1918 pandemic...which led me into the archive documents. I hope other's take the time to explore too. Here is a timeline of my research which I update:
and some interesting articles and books
It's a lucrative business model and control mechanism.
They even use such "diseases" to forward foreign policy objectives- see Ebola e.g.
Dear Just Call Me Jack,
Totally appreciate ALL articles that you thoughtfully and provocatively (to get us researching for ourselves) produce. Most appreciate.
Kind Regards
Thank you @JacqNSW for sharing. I am so glad my work is useful, and appreciated.
You may also find of interest my expanding library of books from the archives.
Thank you. I have a digital copy of "1898 – Vaccination Proved Useless & Dangeous".
Hhmmm, 1898 - 2025; nothing has changed, the Malthusiant Eugenics Cult has grown exponentially. Why aren't they practising on their own kindred to make a better world?
Massive industrialization creating air pollution in cities, forced migration into urban enters and accompanying squalid conditions, widespread industrial warfare with chemical agents, increased social stressors etc. were all causative.
"The grippe" and so many other conditions came about because of the social conditions AND these "new diseases" were used as cover to hide the fact that these conditions were the causal factors not alleged microbes.
Along with that came an entirely new and lucrative business model, the health management system, which is currently the largest economic force (read: racketeering operation) in the world.