Dr. Michael Yeadon has been most important voice of reason on my list, and think he deserves mention here.



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This substack post is about the experts I have yet to add.

Dr Yeadon was one of the first I added...which you have linked to.

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Some additional people to add to your list:

Dr. Mobeen Syed

Dr. George Fareed

Dr. Robin Armstrong

Dr. Jackie Stone

Dr. Joseph Varon

Dr. Mark Trozzi

Dr. Peter Breggin and wife (Ginger?)

Jean-Pierre Kiekens

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Thanks. Some I am not aware of....some I've referenced already with in ToE...but yes they could do with their own page.

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Your documentation is vital, thank you. I am also making lists, in my case simply my transcripts of selected censored and/or shadow-banned video from 2021-23 (which focus on testimonies by (1) experts (2) injured and bereaved, and (3) those who did not comply). I too have a large number of people I intend to include but haven't gotten to yet. Meanwhile, if there's anything that might serve you for your Totality of Evidence, the List of Transcriptions is at https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/

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Your work is vital too.

A link to your work his here


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Thank you, I am honored.

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Thank You, Jack!

Dr. Ana Mihalcea – Humanity United Now

Dr. David Nixon

Sasha Latypova

Katherine Watt – Bailiwick News - The American Bioterrorism Program

Iain Davis – Book The Pseudo Pandemic

(all on Substack)

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What an amazing job this site is! Incredible resource and fascinating to read the historic time line. I was especially interested in the early history, where we can “witness” the beginnings of the many institutions that plague us today!

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Still so much more to add...

It is a huge help for myself! I forget what I have added.

Thanks you for letting me know you find it useful.

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Thank you for all your hard work. As we live in an age of digital deception and dumbing-down, we have to take some of these 'experts' with a pinch of salt. That is the sad reality. After initially being impressed by someone with letters after their name, I now feel many are paid to spout only part of the truth or stories that will keep us on our social media treadmill. Experts are often a road to distraction and division.

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Thank you for all the tremendous work you did! I just shared your site with my fb connections.

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So many great (and not so great names). Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to collect and organize so much material documenting this historic disaster. As I review your list and my own, I've come to realize how many of us actually are speaking out against the harms of Covid and the worldwide response to it. NOT ENOUGH THOUGH!

Please consider adding Sens. Ron Johnson, Rand Paul and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene plus RFK Jr. to your politicians list if you haven't already. So sad that the politician list is incredibly small.

Readers also can find some stand-up politicians here: https://mlpledge.org/members/ Encourage your own state's politicians to sign the simple pledge "I hereby pledge that as an elected official I will oppose any government action and repeal/veto any law that would coerce or require any American to acquiesce to a medical product or procedure.": https://mlpledge.org/join/

I also have a list of Covid Essential Links -- nowhere near as extensive as your absolutely priceless Totality of Evidence Substack -- but it does have "the essentials" along with information about many doctors and scientists who are speaking out: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/covid-essential-links

Some good news: Idahoans are approaching "lesser magistrates" such as County Commissioners, with success in three counties so far (see https://eolson47.substack.com/p/boise-county-news-upcoming-events#%C2%A7boise-county-commissioners-advise-against-gene-therapy-shots). This information soon will be moved and expanded to a standalone page, but we'll link to it from the location given here and in Covid Essential Links.

======= 01/21/24 update for new standalone page ========

BREAKING NEWS (01/18/24) - Idaho's County Commissioners Advise Against Gene Therapy Shots

A dedicated team (led by a brave Idaho nurse who also is a powerful, passionate, yet calm speaker) successfully encouraged Commissioners in several Idaho Counties to advise against Gene Therapy Shots pending investigations and full informed consent.

All the details and tools needed to help are provided here: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/idaho-county-commissioners-advise

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Thanks you for your links

I already have Ron Johnson.


Sen. Rand Paul and MTG have scattered refrences within ToE.

RFK is already in the list

Thanks for your "essentials", at a quick glance much is at Resources link.


I'll add you in Here


Hey and thanks for the ref to my work...gratitude

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Wow, that's just awesome to have so much. And much thanks for the upcoming reciprocal link. (Sorry I missed those you already had.)

Your work is astounding in its depth, breadth, and devotion.

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"I think Ivor Cummins summed the “no virus” stance up nicely in a recent podcast with Doc Malik.¨

Without evidence for any illness (not particles which have never been proven to cause illness) being transmissible, by definition there is no evidence for something being a virus. (viruses existing)


Mike Yeadon got it and is now at the real experts: 'no virus'



I still miss Stefan Lanka in the list as he is THE MAN and you can remove all who keep speaking virus nonsense.

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Jan 16, 2024
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Nass is already done


The list is the "to do"

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