I am aware of the mass vaccination and have mentioned it before. I am one person...logging information as I go, frankly there is more than I can ever capture. It is up to each and everyone of us to discover the truth for ourselves.

I have already logged the book you mentioned and many others from the archives.


I have yet to write more on the vaccinations. Each of my substacks reveal more information for the people to investigate for themselves.

Aspirin and other toxic drugs used at the time are a very important part of the bigger picture of what really caused the mass deaths of 1918 pandemic.

Eleanor McBean also knew the toxic drugs were tipping the vaccinated over the edge. She writes "the drugless doctors who used the right methods were getting 100 percent cures while the medical hospitals were losing 30 to 50 percent of their influenza cases."


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My family always used the go to of aspirin, I can tell it is (sorry for the pun) engrained in them. But over my lifetime I have come to see how aspirin weakens the system. In me, for instance, it caused my ankles to swell. Now I use whole plant medicines exclusively, for aspirin I make a cup of willow bark tea or make a tincture. Alternately I use Birch, Oak bark, or even Witch Hazel in a similar way to aspirin. No more pills. Pill, ill, shill, they all rhyme!

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Shocked you didn't mention the massive vaccination campaigns for yellow fever & typhoid (amongst others) from 1900 onwards, and especially during 1917/1918. No doubt whatsoever jabs killed more people than aspirin. The sheep did what they were told, and they were not told to line up for a handful of aspirin. https://ia802503.us.archive.org/10/items/the_poisoned_needle_mcbean/The%20Poisoned%20Needle%20-%20McBean.pdf

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Homeopaths have long known that many deaths during the Spanish Flu pandemic were due to dosing or over dosing aspirin. The death rate of those who used homeopathic medicine at that time was a tiny fraction of those treated allopathically. The “remedy epidemicus” was the homeopathic medicine gelsemium. And while constitutional homeopathic treating is “bio individual”, when there is an “exciting cause”, there will be a common remedy.

The “remedy epidemicus” early on in COVID was bryonia, which not only matched physical symptoms including “worse from movement”, but emotional symptom of “fear of losing his business/poverty”, which so many had. It was not the only effective remedy to be sure but it was commonly needed.

Homeopathy is a remarkable system of medicine, new research into quantum biology, structured water, energy imprinting on water and our piezoelectric system, and frequency will all go to proving that this system of medicine works. I use it daily and recommend to people and their pets effectively all the time, having studied it both formally for 3 years and independently for 20.

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Also suggest Paracetamol overdosing in children is engineered

It’s promoted by Drs as the one medicine for sick babies and toddlers.

With multiple formulations/strengths and tired parents it happens that dose amount mistakes or dose frequently mistakes due to mis communication are made

Then look at the antidote for paracetamol overdose

NAC n-acetylcholine

Promotion of NAC use instead of paracetamol makes more sense to me.

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I want to draw your attention to nutrient deficit and causative correlation to dementia and alzheimers symptoms.

The first symptom of dehydration is a headache. This is how quickly dehydration effects the brain. From our schooled daze we have been trained to ignore our bodily needs for toilet and water until the bell rings. Headaches treated with aspirin and Panadol instead of salt plus water.

Then in the 80s government dietary advice had us avoid salt as if it were a poison.

So the population of elderly people, especially women, are now reaping the ills from chronic salt deficits. Women (womb) have more mucosa to maintain hence greater requirement for salt.

Hyponatremia or low salt or dehydration are all the same thing. Hyponatremia is deadly.

The adrenals are the emergency organs that make major adjustments to rectify hyponatremia. But they don’t just produce aldosterone, they produce all their adrenalcortical hormones.

If the body is subjected to chronic dehydration or chronic low salt, the adrenals must also become chronically productive instead of responding to emergency call outs.

The adrenals have two choices: exhaustion or hyperplasia. So now think about: unexplained hypertension, unexplained diabetes, unexplained anxiety ...

Meanwhile everything gets sticky instead of slick as chronic dehydration robs the body of essential moisture.

Hip and knee replacements because the joints are raided for salts and once the salt goes, moisture is lost.

So my take is a mis-functioning brain is a dehydrated brain. A sticky brain instead of a moist slick brain. Hence plaques showing up.

My article is titled:

We breathe air not oxygen

And I explain the difference between air and oxygen

How the lungs rehydrate the RBCs and breathing has nothing to do with a gaseous exchange.

Why is oxygen toxic and it can kill?

Why is oxygen primarily prescribed for the terminally ill and not for breathlessness?

Palliative care is not kind!

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Jack I saw this and thought you would like it.



He has done lots of videos you can find online.


July 29, 2022



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Some think Dr John Campbell is controlled opposition. I don't know but he did say he'd had the CV19 injections himself and seemed all for them, which makes you wonder. I trust very few on social media now to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. He is not a medical doctor but he is a nurse and has attracted a big following on you tube when he started to talk about ivermectin and changed his tune.

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From what I can see Dr John Campbell is on a journey of discovery - like all of us to some degree. He is discovering the health system he has trusted all his life has proven to no longer be trustworthy - if it ever really was! IMO

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That is certainly the story he is presenting. It seems to hard think that somebody with a semblance of medical knowledge would have accepted the 'pandemic' and 'vaccine' stories without question but maybe those in the health profession were the most gullible. Hardly says much about their ability to advise the public though!

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Campbell also thinks that the MMR Vaccine-Autism link has been debunked 🙄 See his interview on Tiggernometry. Nice man doing the work of the nice propagandists

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"anomalies about the 1918 pandemic, and especially to the toxic doses of Asperin"

If the "officials" and the "authorities" at the time KNEW what were "toxic doses" and did not communicate that information to the people to caution them in the use of aspirin, then the 1918 "pandemic" was a fraud or racketeering [RICO] operation. Or maybe, aspirin should have been made by law a prescription-only medication, but that could accomplish Communist goals just as well.

Legally, the question is always "what did they know and when did they know it." But, of course, we no longer have the "rule of law" in the USA. There can be "selective enforcement" of the regulatory laws and the concept of "the rule of law" is looking more suspect each passing day.


Here is an interesting video with exorcist and "being-cancelled" Catholic priest, Father Chad Ripperger , that compares Communism and Communist ideology and practices to the demonic and the diabolical and contrasts these behavior patterns with Christian belief and standards of conduct.

( * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chad_Ripperger )

1 hour video runtime.



"And it shall come to pass, in the last days, (saith the Lord,) I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams."

Acts 2:17


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Gee - how much Aspirin does it take to kill a human? Sorry just being lazy, not that much it seems, add a bit of alcohol and Morphine... https://snippets.com/how-many-aspirin-does-it-take-to-kill-a-person.htm

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