Hidden Knowledge Part 5: More statistics revealing the "superiority" of Homoeopathic treatment over Allopathic - from the archives.
What would our world today be like if homeopathy wasn't supressed, belittled and dismissed?
For previous Hidden Knowledge stacks please visit - HERE
This stack continues to provide comparative mortality statistics between two rival modalities, plus some pertinent comments from the archive, all which helps present the case that the practice of homeopathy (H) was superior to allopathy (A). Following is mortality data from an orphanage, hospitals, insane asylums, and during some epidemics.
This is what I have found so far, and more than can fit in a substack. For subscribers, you may have to open the link and read it in a webpage.
Historical Mortality Comparative Statistics
Children’s Orphanage statistics as reported in 1853
Medical Report of B, F. Bowess, M. D., to the Protestant Half-Orphan Asylum. Submitted and read at the Anniversary Meeting of the Society at the Asylum, on the December 21, 1852, found in the Proceedings of the American Institute of Homoeopathy (1853) on page 32.
This medical report is from a children’s orphanage, where for it’s first 7 years (1837 to mid-1842) the children were under the care of many “regular” medical physicians. Then for the next 10 years, until 1852, one homeopathic physician, attended exclusively to their medical care.
(I suggest you read the report in full yourself, but here are the statistics)
An ongoing, inflamed-eye disease which inflicted many of the children for around 4 years, and which was deemed “incurable” no matter how much the allopaths tired, was cured with in 6 weeks by Dr Wright, a homeopathic doctor. Following this miraculous show of healing, the orphanage enlisted Dr Wright’s services for the entire facility, including its staff, and the following is statistics were reported.
The data, as presented in this report, reveals under Allopathic treatment when a total of 1,063 children passed through the asylum, that 22 had died, equating to a mortality rate of 2.07%.
For the 10 years under Homeopathic treatment, 2,522 total children passed through the doors of which 21 died, equating to a mortality rate of 0.83%, a 2.5 time lower mortality rate.

It was estimated that should the Allopathic medical care have continued, besides the children suffering from “incurable” ailments plus incur a statistically higher mortality, that the expenses for extra nursing staff plus the medicines would have amounted to an estimated $771, instead of the $35 actually incurred under homeopathic care. Homeopathic care greatly saved the orphanage heartache and expenses!
Statistics reported in a Medical College Publication, October 1886
In this, the third year publication of the The Chironian, a semi-monthly newsletter by the students of the homoeopathic medical college of New York, which was published October 28, 1886, it reveals some statistics showing a consistently lower percent mortality in homeopathic hospitals compared to nearby allopathic hospitals. (READ).
Homeopathic hospitals often got the worse cases, yet still managed a higher survival rate!
(Bold and links are mine)
“It will thus be seen that although the Hahnemann Hospital has the highest percentage of surgical cases, it, notwithstanding, has the lowest percentage of mortality. When we consider the variety and magnitude of the operations performed at the Hahnemann, many of them the most difficult and dangerous known to the surgical art, when we take into account the fact that all diseases which are admitted to any hospital are treated in those, of our school, the two reports present statistical proof, which cannot be controverted, of the superiority of our methods of treatment over those of the Allopathic, or, as they delight to be called, the "regular" school."
It will be noticed that Bellevue Hospital fails to appear in the statistics, as the officials of that institution, with innate modesty, showed a manifest indisposition to give them to the public.
I was curious of the mention of the Bellevue Hospital not wanting to disclose their data, so I looked them up and found a timeline of information, which amongst many interesting historical facts, the page mentions this one for 1884:
Andrew Carnegie makes his first public gift: $50,000 to Bellevue Medical College to establish the Carnegie Laboratory -- the nation’s first laboratory for teaching and investigation of bacteriology and pathology. The directors are Dr. Edward G. Janeway, who becomes a NYC health commissioner, and Dr. Frederick S. Dennis, who reports on the first investigations carried out at the laboratory on the action of micro-organisms on surgical wounds.
Many things to discuss about this, which I won’t do here, except to leave you with these facts. I find this an interesting piece of information, as in 1905 Carnegie continued his philanthropy by establishing the Carnegie Foundation which set up the structure and funding to officially influence ALL education in the US. In 1908, that very foundation took over the American Medical Association’s project of reforming medical education, enlisting the foundation’s employee Abraham Flexner, who continue the “investigation”, (appearing separate from the AMA (but really wasn’t) and in 1910 the Flexner Report was published. (Read the links if you are not familiar with the impact of this report).
[In fact this simple comment about Bellevue took me down a rabbit hole for an entire day, and as a consequence I’ve added two additional data points to the pandemic timeline - HERE & HERE. This all helps to build the picture of how seemingly well intentioned acts, get turned into an opportunity for future control!]
Statistics as reported in The Chironian, November 1886
In this issue of The Chironian, publication November 24, 1886, it provides some more statistics and an insight into the state of affairs that year.
"We clip the following from the Medical Record: "A Free Hospital for children costing $300,000 has recently been erected in the tipper part of the city and placed in charge of homoeopathic surgeons (!) and physicians. No doubt we shall be freely charged with maliciousness and envy in saying that the placing of serious cases of illness in care of genuine homoeopaths is little less than a crime. This is our very unbiased opinion, however, which, if the homoeopathic physicians in question are, as is the rule, men who use a little homoeopathy and a great deal of ordinary medicine, then it is a case of misrepresentation, not to say humbug."
What is there so criminal about a homoeopath treating serious cases? If he cures them, and as a rule he succeeds far better than his old school rival, as we shall presently show, wherein is the crime, unless it be in the fact that the allopath thereby loses the case? It is all very well for our friends of the "regular" school to deny the superiority of homoeopathic treatment, but where is the proof? How often have we tried to gain admittance to hospitals that the two methods of treatment should be tried side by side, and thus the comparative successes once for all determined to the satisfaction of the old school. Why have we failed to obtain this privilege? Simply and only through the efforts of our old school brethren, who feared that the results thus obtained would be adverse to their much-vaunted superiority. We are sorry, and yet not surprised that our "friends" do not believe much in statistics. Let us quote a few for their consideration.
The data is presented in table form, showing Homeopathic hospitals in New York experienced a mortality of 6.11% compared to Allopathic hospitals at 10.49%.
New York Insane Asylums compared
They also compared the recovery statistics for New York Insane Asylums, where one was purely homeopathic and three allopathic.

In this article they go on to state:
Fortunately we are not restricted to the results of treatment in hospitals and other public institutions for our statistics. About fourteen years ago a well-known life insurance company of New York City conducted a series of examinations of the records in the health offices of several of our largest cities with a view to ascertain the comparative mortality in the practice of physicians of the two rival schools.
Their findings for mortality in New York hospitals (1870 to1873) were on average:
Allopathic 17.88%
Homeopathic 10.02%
It is noted that “1872 was the year of the terrific epidemic of small-pox in Philadelphia” and homeopaths had less than half the losses of allopaths!
It is noted that in various parts of the South, during the yellow fever epidemic of 1878 the following mortality comparisons were made:
homeopathic physicians lost 4-8%
allopathic physicians lost 13-18%
In Chattanooga, Tennessee, where the disease [yellow fever] raged with peculiar malignancy, the homoeopathic loss reached the startling figure of 36.4 per cent., the allopathic mortality was 45 per cent. And yet it is “little less than a crime" to place serious cases of illness in the hands of the homoeopaths. Do the figures show it? We think not.
It’s not hard to see the frustration of the homeopath of the day. The allopath at the time referred to Homeopathy as a “miserable system of folly and fraud” and that one president of the “regular” practice “declared that he would sooner see all his family and all his patients borne to the tomb than save them by Homoeopathic practices.”1 Allopaths were so vehemently against their competitor that they would rather die than use their services.
Transactions of The American Institute of Homoeopathy 1880
New York Insane Asylum
From the Transactions of the 33rd Session of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, 1880, on page 63, some more information can be found.
The New York State Insane Asylum with 200 inmates that were entirely under the care of homoeopathic physicians have records “which present the largest percentage of recoveries, greater than that of any other insane asylum in the United States.” of which “not one single dose of Opium has been given, or a single dose of Chloral, nor a hypnotic of any kind”.
Not only did this Asylum’s doctor a homeopathic physician, so to was the Surgeon-General of New York, many Brigade Surgeons and one of the State prisons was attended by such a physician.
Patients “declared incurable” by Allopathy are cured and sent home following homeopathic treatment.
“The hospital on the other side of the Campus is held, guarded, and kept by the allopathic school. Patients come into our hospital that have been treated on the other side of the Campus, and declared incurable, and we have cured them and sent them home.” [1880]

Dr Quimby’s “success attracted envy and opposition”
Dr Quimby’s record of cases showed a “less rate of mortality” than those who were using the old-school remedies. “His success attracted envy and opposition”.

Yellow Fever 1880
As reported in 1880 by The American Institute of Homoeopathy, the mortality, according to statistics under old-school medication (Allopathy), Yellow Fever mortality was from 30-50%, while the physicians of the new school (homeopathy) report only from 5-10% rate of death.

Cholera Edinburgh, London, October 1848
Mortality under homceopalhic treatment, ~30%
Mortality under allopathic treatment, ~86%
Cholera epidemic Cincinnati/St Louis ~1849
The data in the following table is taken from the article below, as published in the American Journal of the Homoeopathic Association 1850 and presented here in table form.
The ratio of cures to cases treated in this city, by homoeopath… as is generally found everywhere [is] … ten to one in favor of the new system.
When you see these huge differences in rates of mortality between the two modalities, it makes one wonder how much of the historical mortality was due to the medical intervention of the time and how much the diseases and the living conditions?
Infrastructure with fresh water, sewrage and refrigeration went a long way to overcoming disease, so how much death and suffering today is due to “medicine”?
What would our world today be like if the two modalities worked together? Is it time to start now, nearly 200 years later?
great post, JCMJ...taa so much...as well, let's not forget that hpathy cured millions of creatures great & small over the centuries, which nefarious medmafia can't attribute to the placebo effect. cheers