I recently stumbling into a rabbit hole, and I just can't get out!
In fact, I don't want to get out. This is hidden knowledge that people today need to know.
Around early June 2023, I stumbled down a rabbit hole that lay in the field of medical history, a topic which I am continuously researching. The things I am learning are fascinating and enlightening, but at the same time are infuriating, because the revelations contain way too many déjà vu moments. History is truly repeating itself!
The same playbook employed today to quash truth was used over 100 years ago, longer in fact, maybe not as refined in it’s execution but the elements are the same. Philanthropy, foundations, “experts”, pejoratives and exploitation of a trusted press. Any threat to big “medical” money needed to be “taken out”, not for the health and safety of the people (though that is what we are told), but because new methods of “cure” worked and resonated with the people,and as such threatened the Old School of medicine and their coal-tar drug manufactures.
This take-over was done through many means over many decades, but strongly through strategic funding of organisations that steered education “reform” and policy “reform”. Sold as necessary to protect the health and wellbeing of the people, it was really about power, control and “the pocket”.
Just as today, the doctors were caught in the middle, just going about their life, and were conditioned not to question what was happening. The unsuspecting masses were manipulated through “fear”, manufactured “trust” and the desire to protect their livelihood. As I read the archives, these are the things that jump out at me. We haven’t learnt! We have have not been taught the full picture of our history.
What has been is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done;
and there is nothing new under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 1:9
In my future stacks I will share with you my discoveries from these archive documents and, for the most part, use the actual words of those who have gone before us. Deep in the archives there is enlightening information, it is hidden away in forgotten corners, and is somewhat time consuming to locate. I will do the work and share what I find with you. The information sheds light on a different story to what we have been led to believe about medical history.
Who writes our medical history?
This quote will leave a clue as to who writes the history.
...we will never know how many members of his subject’s clan died on the battlefield, because “it is the victor who writes the history and counts the dead”
Medical history, as I read, has been written by the financiers of the Old School practitioners, referred to in the text as “the regulars”, because they had “skin in the game”. They were defending themselves against the success of “new school”, instead of embracing this success and incorporating it into the Art of Medicine, and truly help The People.
I will share excerpts from archived documents or articles in their entirety, documents that resonate with me and help flesh out the picture of what was going on at the time. I think it will be a good way to build the picture for my readers who are time-poor. There are books already written that covers this topic, I’ve not read them as yet. I wish to discover these things for myself first, from the source material, and then I will read their books to fill in the gaps. Doing it this way I get to capture my own journey, and I invite you to come along with me.
Be warned, “trigger word” ahead!
This topic I’m about to introduce to you has been ridiculed, censored and dismissed by much of the world right up to today. But I feel right now this topic is ripe for a re-awakening.
People are suffering and it maybe just what they have been asking for! So keep an open mind.
If the last 3 1/2 years have taught us anything, it is the things we are told to dismiss or told to call “misinformation” are the very things we need to pay closer attention to. This is one of those topics. I find it truly fascinating, I hope you will be open-minded enough to explore it with me.
The rabbit hole I fell into was in the field of homeopathy
Homeopathy is an Art of Medicine with a more than 200 year history. Surprisingly it is commonly used in some parts of the world, but the “friends of medicine” in the West have been sure to lobby and quash it into near non-existence. Homeopathy is traditionally spelt homoeopathy, where the “oe” is joined. So when I transcribe I will use their spelling.
It takes study to understand this modality, and it can not be understood using the same paradigm of diagnosis then treatment as is enlisted by orthodox medicine. So take your time.
If you do a Wikipedia search on Homeopathy, you will find it has a padlock, thus this topic is taboo, the platform restricts who can edit the content. Seeing this should awaken you to the words on that page are controlled information!
With that brief into. let’s begin…
What is Homoeopathy?
In the word of Wm. Davis Foster, M.D. written May 1915 in The Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, from page 1478 he describes this healing art of homeopathy. (Highlights are mine)
“Homoeopathy is a method of curing the sick given to the world by the immortal Hahnemann.
Let me interject here. The founder of homeopathy was a traditionally trained, allopathic Doctor from Germany called Christian Frederick Samuel Hahnemann.1 who is referred to as Hahnemann.
This humanitarian scholar and physician, was born in Germany in 1755, and died in Paris in 1843. The law of homoeopathy was discovered by Hahnemann, its application to the cure of the diseases of the human race was formulated and exploited by him more than 100 years ago.
Remember, this was written in 1915, more than 100 years ago today!
It is a system of medical practice based on natural law; it is a method of cure adapted to the treatment of all the diseases of the human race. The principle of cure established by Hahnemann and his co-laborers is today as true, far reaching and efficient as it was a hundred years ago.”
“It is said that during the prevalence of a violent epidemic of cholera in Russia at the time Hahnemann was living in Paris (1799), one of his co-laborers in Moscow wrote Hahnemann as to the method of cure of this scourge. At that time Hahnemann had not seen a case of cholera, but, from the description of the malady furnished by his co-laborer in Russia, the Master was able to point out the homoeopathic remedies, which proved immediately effectual and the indications for which have been many times since verified and still exist at this time.”
You can’t compare directly the approach and treatments employed by a practitioner of Classical Hahnemannian Homeopathy to that of allopathic medicine, because they are very different. I feel this is what people have a hard time understanding, me included. The end result, following the course of treatment is what is important in comparing the two modalities.
The more I’ve looked at homeopathy and it’s historical statistics (more on that in future article) the more I realise how great of a “threat” it, and other “cult” systems, (yes that is what they were called) were, and still are, to the allopathic medical establishment.
The homoeopathic law of cure, being a law of nature, is immutable and fixed as the law of gravitation. The attacks of sarcasm, ridicule, prejudice, superstition, ignorance and suspicion have failed to change in any way the operation of this law in the minutest manner. Whatever happens to homoeopathy in our day, whether its beneficent influence spreads to all corners of the earth, or whether its practice shall be minimised temporarily, there can be no doubt that, in time, homoeopathy will be the medical practice chosen to meet the needs of the maladies of humanity in all quarters of the earth, under all conditions.”
We are 100 years on from that statement. Is the time ripe now for the medical practice of homeopathy to be re-employed “to meet the needs of the maladies of humanity in all quarters of the earth, under all conditions”?
This same author goes on to write about the homoeopathic teaching hospital in Kansas. For some context, at this point in time, the allopathic system, thanks to the funding of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and the Rockefeller Foundation, were busy circling their wagons to take out all competition. (More on that in the future).
“The functions of a hospital are not only the efficient care, treatment and cure of the sick, but it also affords a means of teaching the curative effects of remedies at the bedside. Here at the bedside the clinician is enabled to teach the student the right application of the curative remedy. The student, while seeking out the pathological conditions of the patient, has the opportunity to choose the indicated remedy by which the deranged functions of the body are restored to their normal functions.”
They are the word of medical practitioners who were defamed as “quacks”. Think of it in the same way as calling someone a “conspiracy theorist”, its intent is the belittle and sway the populous from being associated with such a labelled person. Truth didn’t matter. Sound familiar?
To further expand on this introduction to Homeopathy, here is an article, in it’s entirety, written in The Homoeopathic Recorder (1911) by F. J. E. Sperling titled “HOMOEOPATHY”, from page 248. (Highlights are mine, some format changes for ease of reading)
How true is the saying that truth endures, and in its verification the science of Homoeopathy, the results of the labor of Hahnemann, stands today prominent in this great field of medicine, face to face with its opponents.
Few can realize the difficulties and hardships Hahnemann endured in his efforts to advance the principle of Homoeopathy, when his opponents of the dominant school criticised and scorned him.
It was his great strength, the power of God and his great truths which carried him so successfully through life. Regardless of the many obstacles placed in his path, he rode to victory. The power he possessed was ever throwing forth its radiance, which illuminated the path he trod.
How many mothers have been saved from becoming childless and many children from becoming orphans by the aid of Homoeopathy. Every day we learn of the wonderful cures by Homoeopathy.
Words, nor is there enough money to pay for what Hahnemann and Homoeopathy have done for the sufferers in relieving their many ailments. One of the first principles in the theory of cure is to know what diseases are curative by drugs [referring to homoeopathic remedies].
Homoeopathy is the art of healing by medication. This is a great and elaborate system of practice. It has its own definite rules, methods and principles by which all its work is done and its results carefully tested. Many principles used in Homoeopathy are derived from the laws of nature. It uses materials provided by nature.
There is no word so misunderstood and so often misused as the word "cure." Cure and recovery are often used as though they were synonymous terms, while they are not in the eyes of the physician.
Hahnemann defines cure as being "the speedy, gentle and permanent restoration of health, or the removal and annihilation of disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles."
Cure is not the palliation of disease by the removal or suppression of some symptoms, nor the removal of "pathological end products," such as tumors, effusions, collections of pus, useless organs or dead tissues. It is the annihilation of disease itself in its entire extent. But the definition of cure is not yet complete.
Homoeopathicity is that:
1. By analogy, they appear to illustrate the action of the Homoeopathic principle in nature;
2. that the experiments of Dr. Duncan tend to show that possibly the real truth contained in the primitive belief is not that "every disease carries its own remedy," but that the remedy for certain cases of definite, fixed, contagious disease is contained in the typical morbid product of the diseased individual himself. In other words, it may prove true that the potentiated autogenous product is the similimum for certain cases; for only by potentiation can the remedy be rendered really homoeopathic.
Put a peg in this if it doesn’t make sense, it time it will begin to. If it doen’’t make sense, bare with this, future articles will help to flesh this out.
Homoeopathy is not isopathy; neither is the crude autogenous product a similar, nor the similimum, but idem — the thing itself.
Homoeopathy is separated from isopathy by all the breadth and depth of the great gulf which separates man from the beast, although man may bridge the gulf in either case by the exercise of his reason, intelligence and love.
Homoeopathy has a place in its great armamentarium and a use for all the nosodes (the name given to these morbid products), but only when they have been raised from the animal and material plane by potentization, and applied under the governing principle of similia.
Experimentation along homoeopathic lines herein indicated is the only logical course for homoeopathic physicians to pursue.
Nothing can justify the claim or suggestion that autogenous pus, crude or potentiated, is the sole treatment, or even the best treatment, for all cases, even if it cures some cases; for many cases will be found which will not respond to this treatment. Such a claim can be made for no remedy whatever. In this, all reputable physicians of all schools agree. Finally, as bearing upon originality or priority of discovery, let the following be considered:
In 1886, Dr. Samuel Swan, of New York City, published and defended in his catalogue and elsewhere the following thesis :
"Morbific matter will cure the disease which produced it, if given in high potency, even to the person from whom it was obtained." (Dr. Stewart Close, Professor of Homoeopathic Philosophy, Chironian, 2/1911, page 341.)
Homoeopathy has contributed to the medical science numerous drugs of the utmost value, and has therefore caused other drug's to be sought and proven, thereby giving many more useful drugs to the profession. Such remedies as Apis mellifica, Coffea cruda, Glonoine, Hepar sulphur, Mercurius sol., Sepia, Spongia, etc., were introduced by Hahnemann.
Such remedies as Aconite, Arnica, Belladonna, Bryonia, Hydrastis, Pulsatilla, Spigelia, Rhus Tox, etc., while not homoeopathic, were proved and so modified as to be very useful by the homoeopathic investigators. Hahnemann and his followers established the importance of dietetic and hygienic measures in the treatment of the sick. While physicians employed such measures, their usefulness was unknown and were put aside as a lost art. Therefore it remained for Hahnemann to prove and apply in the cure of the sick.
He carefully and scientifically applied dietetic and hygienic measures with heralded success. His excellent results were attributed to these measures instead of the medicinal agent used. His conferers stated his success was due to careful nursing and care, and not the remedial agents.
Homoeopathy has contributed to modern medicine the only principle of drug selection that conforms both to the strict requirements of modern science and to the practical needs of the physician at the bedside.
Through modern biological research we can absolutely conform "Hahnemann's great Law.'' Biology tells us that the human organism consists of an incalculable number of protoplasmic cells. That one of the fundamental properties of protoplasm is its ability to react to stimuli, whether thermal, electrical or chemical. Rudolph Arndt says: "Weak stimuli, kindle life activity; medium stimuli, promote it ; strong, impede it, and the strongest stop it." This corroborates the homoeopathic idea, that "an agent that can destroy a cell is capable of stimulating it if administered in a sufficiently small dose."
You must select with absolute accuracy the drug indicated for the case. The remedy must be given in the proper dose, so as":
"to arouse from the diseased organ the most definite reaction possible under all existing circumstances."
"Every circumstance that disturbs the physiological equilibrium of a single cell, or of a large commonwealth of cells, of an organ or of an organism, acts as a stimuli!"
"The practical application of drug power deals with organs and organisms affected with disease. They are able to react to stimuli that could scarcely be perceived under natural circumstances of complete health."
"Before a drug can be used at the bedside at the fullest advantage it is absolutely necessary previously to interpose the experimental use of it on healthy individuals.
Animal experimentation, always the method employed by the old school, although it has given way to many important facts in medicine, has not reached a perfect system of successful therapy.
Today the old school has learned of our laurels which were won by our experimenting upon the healthy human being by administering to him a drug which produced symptoms that were recorded and classified with great accuracy, and are now making great advances in therapeutics.
Be aware when they mention “a drug” here, they mean a potentised, homeopathic remedy, in a form that follows a specific procedure which I will “stack” on soon. Don’t look upon “testing” on the healthy with the “drug” as being the same as a compounded allopathic drug.
All diseases are expressed in signs and symptoms, the symptoms being both objective and subjective. These symptoms vary with individuals by whom it is expressed, according to his intelligence, education, environment, susceptibility, etc. The symptoms of various diseases are numerous and expressed in many ways, yet the systematic classification of diseases are the same. For example, we take a case of hepatitis; the objective symptoms are known by all physicians, they are classified and fixed, being the same in all schools. The subjective symptoms vary considerably for reasons which have been mentioned in the foregoing paragraph. It is apparent that any therapeutic rule which is based upon diagnostic facts alone must fail to include the widely varying expressions of such facts. Therefore we lose sight of the individual and he is placed in a position where he is considered less important, consequently a secondary consideration, the disease being the whole picture.
Orthodox medicine became reduced to “diagnosis” - the need to classify every dis-ease and apply to it a specific treatment, irrespective of the individual. Homeopathy focuses first on the individual, who has objective and subjective subjective, all are considered in the treatment.
It is well understood by all that drugs may and do produce effects when administered in doses sufficient to excite active resistance on the part of the organism concerned. These effects thus produced are mistakenly called physiological. They vary according to the amount of drug consumed by the individual, with his susceptibility, according to his temperament, education, environment, sex and age. Note the effects and what do we have? Some say toxic, yes, in a few cases; nevertheless, we can see that these effects are similar and correspond to signs and symptoms produced by disease.
At once we see a similarity which stands out boldly. This theory must be and can be explained in no other way in this universe save by this phrase, "Similia Similibus Curantur," upon which Homoeopathy is based. This theory can be and is demonstrated daily. In order that one may obtain a real cure one must recognize the relationship between drug [remedy] and disease. It is known that when a drug is given in disease it may alter the disease, but a cure is not made unless this relationship exists.
You may have heard the expression “like cure like”, that is the basis for homeopathy.
An agent which is used medicinally must be carefully studied. We must know all about this substance, the action it has in various doses from its smallest to its largest, and records made of same. These records must include the objective and subjective symptoms made by intelligent and learned observers who can interpret these findings accurately. The observers must have some experience to fulfill this duty. When this work is carried on scientifically we have a collection of symptoms for a drug [remedy] which are accurate, so much so that when other observers make these observations the records will correspond. This data is priceless. In making it must not be of one case but of hundreds of cases.
If it were possible in the days gone by to make provings and carry them on to tissue changes, our law would have been more exact. During Hahnemann's time the laboratory technique was unknown.
Cases of lipoma have been known to be treated successfully by potentized uric acid. These growths were located in the female breast and diagnosed by the microscope. This is an important therapeutic fact; however, it is impossible to say that all cases of lipoma can be cured by uric acid. Cases presenting symptoms similar to a tumor have been cured successfully and the knife avoided.”
Like Cures Like
Homeopathy is not new, it’s foundations are based on the principal of “like cures like”, which dates back to Hippocrates (460-377 BC), the ‘Father of Medicine’.
“By similar things a disease is produced and through the application of the like is cured”
But Hahnemann tested and perfected the curing art and called it Homeopathy. The name is derived from the Greek words for ‘similar suffering’ referring to the ‘like cures like’ principle of healing.
Hidden Knowledge Part 2 - “How I Became a Homoeopath” coming soon.
A testimonial that provides insight from a allopathic doctor converting to the new school of homeopathy, written in the year 1869. It lays the groundwork for the 1918 pandemic!
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Like many, I've followed my share of SubS's and eventually began the paring down process when they become redundant or seem suspect. Not even sure where I found you but I'm assuming a shared sub for one of them based on your writing. Rarely find a new Rabbit Mining operation. This was fantastic! Gonna delve deeper. Looking forward to your work. I pulled my parents away from the allopathic system prior to the voodoo world tour 2020. We went from Osteopathic to Naturopahtic. We were settled in when when the cows came home to the pharm. I had a sense based on my own time in the tunnels but you found a very deep vein. Those Dark Tunnels Matter! All my college, military, and experiential work time only barely prepared me for the fight to save my tribe. I truly appreciate your style and effort. When I can afford, I will do more to assist. Until then, feel free to reach out. We all have tools and are invested in saving lives and souls.
This explains why doctors who ACTUALLY do "cure" cancer SAFELY are immediately stripped of their medical license. And this is why all substances that can truly cure anything SAFELY, are viciously slandered and attacked by the FDA & CDC, as well as the MSM. They fight HARD to criminalize the use of anything that DOES help us heal.