"Influenza" Case Mortality Data from 1918 Pandemic. Homeopathy 1.035% compared to Regulars 30-50%.
Survey reports from 88 homeopathic physicians who treated over 26,000 patients, many had no deaths at all, few had pneumonia cases.
In 1919 Homeopaths across the United States supplied data for how many “influenza” patients they treated and of those how many died. The following is a reproduction of that article published in Volume 34 of The Homoeopathic Recorder, August 15, 1919, from page 345. The article is titled “Epidemic Influenza Treated by Homoeopathic Physicians” by Dr William A. Pearsons.
(Emphasis is mine, formatting may be altered for ease of reading and my comments will be added)
It is not my desire to discuss any of the many medical aspects of the recent epidemic of influenza, as they will be fully discussed by able representatives from widely distant sections of the United States before the Bureau of Homoeopathy. The peculiarities of the epidemic in various sections of the country will also be presented by them.
The object of this contribution is to present reliable data in regard to the actual mortality of the epidemic when patients were treated by homoeopathic physicians. I shall not, however, include the mortality in Homoeopathic Hospitals, as these data will be presented by Dr. W. A. Dewey.
It is not even my primary desire to report the number of influenza patients who developed pneumonia, but it is certain that this number is comparatively small.
A point about “pneumonia”. The US CDC mortality statistics report the majority of deaths during the 1918-19 pandemic were the result of all forms of pneumonia, with less death attributed to “influenza” alone. As most cases of pneumonia began with “influenza”, both influenza and pneumonia were grouped together as “influenza” deaths. This data grouping has been carried on through to present day which simply inflates statistics for an alleged causal agent and pulls attention away from the elephant in the room - the failure of the allopathic diagnosis-treatment system of phama medicine. Treat the disease not the person. But I digress…back to the article…
A questionnaire was sent to about 2,000 homoeopathic physicians and reliable information was requested from all members of the American Institute of Homoeopathy by inserting a notice in The Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy.
The data below is presented without regard to location, as it was evident that very little difference in the actual mortality was reported by physicians in widely distant sections of the country.
The original reports are on file for inspection of all interested. I am only sorry that a larger number of physicians did not report their results, but physicians are very poor correspondents.
Only 88 physicians sent in their data as represented in this table of the number of patients treated for “influenza” with the number of those patients who died, a seen in the image below.
I entered these numbers into an Excel spreadsheet to perform my own calculations and unfortunately the total for the number treated is 26,387, which is 408 less than the total reported, but the total death number is the same at 273. To get their inflated mortality figure of 1.056% would mean there were only 25,852 patients treated with the same number of deaths.
Based on the raw figure shown in the table below there were 26,387 patients treated of which 273 died, giving an average case mortality rate of 1.035%. Of which the mortality range for individual practitioners range from zero deaths (n=24) to greater than 10% (n=2).
It is evident that the above data are fairly representative of the results obtained by all homoeopathic physicians, and it only remains to compare the results with the colossal epidemic influenza mortality (average mortality about 30 per cent.) to realize how very much better chance a patient had when treated by a homoeopathic physician.
Let me interject again. The reference in the opening paragraph to the “Bureau of Homoeopathy” sparked my attention so I searched further within the 1919 publication and found this reference regarding comparative statistics.
The Homeopathic physicians all across America “uniformly showed that the death rate for influenza, including pneumonia of all forms” was 0.4% to 1.056%. Based on my calculations from their data, this is actually zero percent to 1.035%.
Their Old School (O.S.) friends (Allopaths) with “the best of juggling” could “present nothing better than a mortality rate of 30 per cent, running as high as 50 percent, in pneumonia”.
Let that soak in, up to half of the patients of “Medical Science” died. A “striking success” indeed for the homeopaths in comparison.
Back to the article.
Since the mortality as reported all over the country includes the much lower mortality had by homoeopathic physicians, the comparison with official records becomes still more favorable for homoeopathic physicians.
All reports received have been tabulated and no attempt made to report only the more favorable results. Just previous to the epidemic of influenza the Hahnemann Unit of the Students' Army Training Corps was organized. Dr. G. Harlan Wells was chief Medical Officer and directly responsible for the health of our students. Gelsemium 3X was given to every student four times a day as a prophylactic and not a single serious case of influenza developed, and of course, no deaths, while the Spring Garden Institute Unit, which was housed in the same armory with the Hahnemann Unit, had seven deaths directly attributable to influenza. This is even more remarkable since our senior and junior students were released for one week to do emergency work with influenza patients, and many of them worked day and night during this period.
So homeoprophylaxis treatments were given to the Homeopathic students that were helping army patients, none of these students developed “serious” illness, but the other Allopathic unit had 7 deaths. The Allopaths likely received the “vaccines” that were being administered to soldiers and medical staff.
During the epidemic when all the nurses in Hahnemann Hospital were working day and night without any consideration for their own health, a total of fifty-seven of them at different times had to finally go to bed, and a large proportion of these had influenza, but not a single one of them developed pneumonia. It is perfectly proper to state that these nurses were under the care of Dr. William R. Williams.
How would it be possible to convince any one of the merits of homoeopathy if he failed to believe that homoeopathic physicians had a much lower mortality than the average? Homoeopathy requires no apology. Its practical value is its greatest asset.
None are so blind as those who cannot see that the average mortality of influenza patients treated by homoeopathic physicians was actually only about one-thirtieth of the average mortality reported by all physicians. Nothing would be more advantageous to homoeopathy than to tabulate from official records in every city and town the number of deaths reported by homoeopathic physicians and those who are graduates of non-homoeopathic institutions.
I bet those comparative statistics were never tabulated, but the raw experiential data provided here certainly tells a story that the 1918-19 pandemic did not have to have the high death toll that it produced - whatever the causal agent(s) were.
If only the American Medical Association (and their equivalents around the world) together with the growing pharma-linked philanthropic funders and influences really cared about human life and not their “reputations” and their wallet.
What we experienced in the 2020 pandemic started to build a long time ago.
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Nice one 🙏 just reinforces that to stay healthy keep away from pharma products
Hi there Jack - interesting and thorough post thank you!
Homeopathy has been used in the great epidemics and pandemics since the 19th century, still having some applications today for example, the Indian government issued a directive stating homeopaths may provide immune-boosting remedies to the public and may administer adjuvant homeopathy with conventional drugs in probable, suspected and/or confirmed (C19) cases.
There is also a growing body of published medical literature on the topic which I have attempted to put together - (I hope it's ok to link these here?)
https://sarahpenrose.substack.com/p/homeopathy-and-the-epidemic-genius - https://sarahpenrose.substack.com/p/homeopathy-and-uniformity-of-practice
I am rapt to have found your comprehensive work thank you, and now follow you with interest.
Sapere aude! (Dare to know)