Nice one 🙏 just reinforces that to stay healthy keep away from pharma products

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Hi there Jack - interesting and thorough post thank you!

Homeopathy has been used in the great epidemics and pandemics since the 19th century, still having some applications today for example, the Indian government issued a directive stating homeopaths may provide immune-boosting remedies to the public and may administer adjuvant homeopathy with conventional drugs in probable, suspected and/or confirmed (C19) cases.

There is also a growing body of published medical literature on the topic which I have attempted to put together - (I hope it's ok to link these here?)

https://sarahpenrose.substack.com/p/homeopathy-and-the-epidemic-genius - https://sarahpenrose.substack.com/p/homeopathy-and-uniformity-of-practice

I am rapt to have found your comprehensive work thank you, and now follow you with interest.

Sapere aude! (Dare to know)

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