New timeline pages at Totality of Evidence (ToE) - Helping you do your own research!
And a little update from "Jack"
Hello substack world, a little update for you all, especially to my many new subscribers - Thank you.
I’ve had to take some time off during winter here in Australia to do some “house keeping” and frankly to have a break after 4 1/2 years of constant work. As some of you know since early 2020 I recognised that an agenda was playing out and so I went to work researching through reading as much as I could, watching thousands of hours of interviews and documentaries all the while taking prolific notes to find out what exactly was going on. I was awake to a lot in the health arena, but I wasn’t prepared for what I learnt brewing in the political and global arena.
At the beginning of this journey I knew nothing, and I mean nothing, about American politics, and sadly just as little about Australian politics. Civics was NOT taught when I went to school…it is so embarrassing how little I knew. But on the Big Pharma/Big Ag front I was very much aware of that.
So, in late 2021 I began capturing my notes on a website in a manner that I felt would make it easier for others to find and do their own investigation. I got so annoyed with ‘podcasters’ saying “do your own research” but never providing reference to some kind of source material. This was the big motivation for me to start capturing source links to videos (which often disappeared) with the intent of making it easier for others to locate.
That work, which is continuing still, is all captured in a multitude of timelines at the website Totality of Evidence. The site is littered with over 100 Credentialed Experts screaming wake up world before it’s too late!
I want to just mention that the name “totality of evidence” was inspired by the now politically persecuted lawyer and freedom fighter Reiner Fuellmich, who is sitting in a jail cell in Germany while a politically motivated, nearly year-long, unprecedented trial is still ongoing. While trying to think of a logical domain name for my website at the end of 2021 as I was listening to one of Reiner’s interviews (I can’t remember which one) he happened to say something with the phrase “the totality of evidence”, and it struck me as the perfect name. It is undeniable, to those who are looking and questioning, that there is a coordinated big picture agenda happening right now, and is moving at unprecedented speeds to take our freedoms and sovereignty forever. We must not let that happen.
The COVID-19 pandemic was used to test the water of compliance and use to justify and accelerate globalist agendas that had been in the works for years or decades. COVID-19 (I refuse to say “covid”, they added the “2019”) began to alert millions around the world of these mission-creep agendas currently underway, and the techniques they employ.
So to do my bit and help others, Totality of Evidence (ToE) is a place where I capture, by topic, data points such as interviews or articles and list them by date, in reverse chronological order (to make it quicker for me to update) and most importantly by linking to the original source of the materials. This is a time consuming job and too often takes me off on “rabbit trails” that I then also want to capture, which then makes me forget what led me there in the first place. Many days I have 30 or more tabs open on my computer that it’s too much for it to take, and on occasion just freezes up in sheer over work! So if you see typos or unfinished content on the site, know that it’s a symptom of the process!
For those that are just starting this journey of discovery, I’d suggest the documentary page is the best place to start connecting the dots!
Back to the way I populate the pages. On many of the data point I now tend to expand them with “dot point” notes, this helps remind me of what content the interview or article captured. Sometimes the titles are not very informative - which is frustrating. I used to take prolific notes for every video that I watched, I don’t do that much any more, I don’t even watch all the videos in full…I don’t have time.
Experts and Topics recently added to ToE
Since June 2024 these are the Credentialed Expert pages and others that I have added for historical record:
Dr Shankara Chetty
Dr Shankara Chetty is a Family General Practitioner (GP) in South-Africa, with considerable experience in the outpatient treatment of COVID-19, having treated nearly 8,000 patients by the end of 2021, the vast majority in person and in an outpatient setting at his home, of which none of them requiring hospitalization or even oxygen.
Professor Francis Boyle
Francis A. Boyle PhD, is a professor of international law and biowarfare expert. He is the author of the US Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989. On June 6, 2024 it was reported that Dr. Francis Boyle provided an affidavit in a Florida court case declaring the COVID-19 mRNA/LNP injectable products qualify as biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction.
Dr Mark Trozzi
Dr Mark Trozzi is an Emergency Medicine Physician from Canada with 25 years experience. While on call in multiple COVID-19 emergency units during early 2020 he noted severe discrepancies of the medical data/science, ethical norms and human rights violations then the misrepresentation of little-tested genetic injections known as “vaccines”. By the end of 2020, he walked away from his entire pre-existing career and income, sold his home, and committed himself completely to alerting the public and advancing genuine medical science and supporting the drive for justice.
Professor Alexandra Henrion-Caude
Professor Alexandra Henrion-Caude is a Harvard (post-doc) trained geneticist who specialized in RNA and epigenetics, “In March 2020, she spoke out publicly against the health policy put in place to manage the crisis linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, and became one of the most prolific activists among European academic leaders"
Professor Dr. Arne Burkardt
Professor Dr. Arne Burkardt was a highly experienced Forensic Pathologist from Germany who had conducted and supervised more than 40,000 autopsies in his working life, he published hundreds of scientific papers and taught at many Universities. Prof. Burkhardt came out of retirement in 2021 to examine the autopsy and biopsy materials of vaccinated patients. Sadly Dr Burkardt passed away on May 30, 2023.
Dr Melissa McCann
Dr Melissa McCann is an Australian General Practitioner (GP) based in the Whitsunday Islands in North Queensland, Australia. She was the first GP to provide services at Whitsunday Family Practice in 2015 and in 2017 was called a “hero doctor” because of her actions during Cyclone Debbie.
Following the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in Australia, she witnessed in her practice an abnormally high number of patients experiencing adverse health events following their vaccination, some with tragic consequences. She has been touring Australia presenting detailed overview of her Freedom of Information revelations from the TGA as well as alerting the public to the Class Action lawsuit she is championing.
Tributes to those who are jab injured or “Died Suddenly”
Forest of the Fallen
The Forest of the Fallen is a silent vigil of poles planted in the ground, each topped with a page of the story and photo of someone who was injured or killed by the COVID-19 vaccines. It has only one message “stop looking away“.
The movement was started in 2021 by Selkie, a Tasmanian mother of three, and soon spread throughout Australia by a band of volunteers.
The death and injury stories used in the Forest of the Fallen have been reported in corporate media or come from those documented and checked by Jab Injuries Australia, or are willingly shared by victims or loved ones.
Prof. Mark Crispin Miller – In Memory of Those Who Died Suddenly
Mark Crispin Miller (MCM) is a Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University and the author of many books. I share this page to acknowledge Mr Miller’s work in authoring “In memory of those who died suddenly” on his substack, “News from Underground“, which now has many hundreds of pages that document the trail of open source reports of the victims of unusual events and unexpected deaths that have hit headlines and obituaries since early 2021.
MCM and a growing team of around 20 volunteers began documenting the innumerable deaths and other horrifying damage done by the “vaccines,” every week since February 2022, as “a vital public service”. Including news of injuries among the jabbed (primarily celebrities) and any other items (such as “vaxxidents” (lone vehicle accidents)) or data, “that will help reconfirm the abnormality of what’s going on worldwide, and its direct relation to the “vaccination” drive.” All in an effort “to break through the widespread denial of what’s happening.”
Support Jack’s Work
I use substack to help fund and update the work done at Totality of Evidence (The website). If you find the work there useful for yourself or to help awaken your family and friends, please consider becoming a paid subscriber here so I can continue to fund those effores add to the historical record.
From time to time I’ll add a stack here, but please understand that most of my time is spent updating the timelines at ToE and know that your financial support here, supports my work there!
Otherwise share the website on social media and subscribe to my substack so you get my next stack in your inbox.
I Just Finished Writing A Book.
It’s Called:
“Vaccines For Dummies”
That’s As Far As I Got.
I Figured I ‘Nailed It With The Title.
My Publisher Agreed.
I Made So Much Money From It That I Am Going To Publish The Sequel For Free:
“Vaccines For Dead People”
Thank you for including Mark Crispin Miller. He is going through a tough time both from ill health and reduced income but still manages to publish his Suddenly Dying substack.
Please consider supporting his substack, here's a recent post: