I Just Finished Writing A Book.

It’s Called:

“Vaccines For Dummies”

That’s As Far As I Got.

I Figured I ‘Nailed It With The Title.

My Publisher Agreed.

I Made So Much Money From It That I Am Going To Publish The Sequel For Free:

“Vaccines For Dead People”

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Thank you for including Mark Crispin Miller. He is going through a tough time both from ill health and reduced income but still manages to publish his Suddenly Dying substack.

Please consider supporting his substack, here's a recent post: https://open.substack.com/pub/markcrispinmiller/p/german-dj-ciarra-black-has-ms

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This is fantastic work -- again -- Jack. Thank you for the additional compilations from truth-tellers and heroes (shared here https://substack.com/@bige47/note/c-68729321). I was familiar with most, but not all of them. And I did not know the now-ironic history of the name "Totality of Evidence" from political prisoner Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's words.

Your Substack is right up there with the best of the best links in my much more modest attempt to compile helpful resources about the COVIDEra catastrophe: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/covid-essential-links

Your thousands of hours of work, and all the resources you have gathered, likely saved countless lives and educated even more people who never would have known where to go to "do your own research."

*** Re: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich ***

Dr. Robert Malone recently posted a riveting Substack article by Cynthia Salatino and Seba Terribilini about Dr. Fuellmich's plight. The article provides a thorough history of what happened to Dr. Fuellmich (and why). And it encourages people to write to Dr. Fuellmich to offer support for this true political prisoner (currently held in solitary confinement for what would be a MISDEMEANOR against German law). This Substack Note summarizes the article and provides the address: https://substack.com/profile/68304299-big-e/note/c-67884986

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Excellent work, dear Jack.

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Totalityofevidence.com is an awesome website that we reference often at TheyLied.ca ... Join the campaign to Take Action and Raise Public Awareness at 



Welcome back Jack.

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I woke up at 2:30 a.m. I was still dreaming...

I'm Canadian but the dream was about American politics.

Woke up thinking (saying) "follow the taxpayer's money". Where did it GO? Who profited? Who is still profiting?

Why are we sending our money to foreign countries? Why are we funding foreign wars with our Citizen's hard earned money?

Why are we housing, feeding and clothing illegal aliens when our own country men (and women) are unable to house, feed and clothe their families?

Why are our governments pumping billions of dollars into pharmaceutical companies which are clearly poisoning us?

Why are we poisoning our land and produce?

Why are we CASTIGATING farmers who do NOT poison us?

Those are some of the questions American politicians should be asking.

They're questions ALL opposition politicians, in every country on the planet, should be asking CURRENT administrators of taxpayer monies.

Investigate the BUMS!!

If politicians are PROFITING from being elected to office, but doing NOTHING to ameliorate the well being of their constituents: THROW THE BUMS OUT!!

If they are found to be profiteering: Prosecute every CORRUPT PUBLIC SERVANT to the full extent of the LAW, which they claim NO ONE IS ABOVE!!

"Make _____ (fill in the country) HEALTHY AGAIN."

Prosecute companies which manufacture UNHEALTHY food and harmful POISONOUS drugs.

Prohibit the production of HARMFUL food products.

Follow the bloody MONEY: You will discover the CULPRITS.

Including the NGOs who are aiding and abetting the influx of ILLEGALLY ARRIVED foreigners who are very clearly negatively impacting the health and safety of our cities, towns and communities.

Round up every "undocumented worker". Escort them to the airport and onto a one way flight back to their country of origin.

Force them to emigrate LEGALLY.

If they are QUALIFIED to do so. And IF they have the willingness and capacity to WORK HARD and to LEARN THE LANGUAGE and to ASSIMILATE.

What is this "No English" bullshit every time I get into an UBER in the US or Canada?? My answer is always: "WHY NO ENGLISH?"

Just woke up.

However I have been awake and aware for many many years and I'm tired as hell.

Some things need to drastically change.

We ALL need to be willing to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT for that change.


Do not allow any more of these money grubbing leeches to SEEK office. Root them out.

Make good health care a PRIORITY, of government, not a FOR PROFIT BUSINESS!!

My 2 cents folks.

I'm old and tired and pretty pissed off. Not mincing my words here.

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You'd think that was common sense. Well said.

Their weapon of choice is "information"...

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Thanks for reading that spew Jack.

It IS common sense but God forbid anyone SAY IT OUT LOUD.

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Thank you for all you do. It is a vast area as it basically covers every aspect of our lives. An added complication is I feel the "experts" who are working for the establishment, unwittingly or otherwise.

Controlled opposition is more common than I first thought but often spout some truth so are worth keeping in with an * by their name if you have doubts. But, checking them out that is too much work for you to do on top of what you already too so we just have to be aware of stories being told to lead us astray.

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Each person I have added as an "expert" has had something to say that is of value, IMO. Their page is a timeline to track and capture their journey, the history.

"Controlled opposition" is a divisive can of worms, just like "conspiracy theory"...people can make up their own minds...which is the point of capturing as many interviews as time permits, and linking to their sources.

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Yes, but we have to take a view on the information in the context of the desired end goal. We know they want to confuse and divide us to lead us into their digital open prison. We are walking in as I write this!

“…the framework for guiding thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead to a predetermined solution. This is accomplished by manipulating consciousness into a circular pattern of thought and action.” -G. W. F. Hegel

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Who specifically do you think should be * asterisked as alleged controlled opposition?

Who is "controlling" them - source links needed as that is what I'm trying to do...so people can do their own reseach and decide/think for themselves.

I've documented quite a number of voices who have been "waking up, some years ago, some in front of us. Ive watched them become more and more aware of the manipulation and corruption, and realising thing aren't what they trusted. watching them try to make sense of things based on the data/info they have at that time? That position change as more data comes to them. Is that wrong?Why does it have to be they are on one "side" or another? what are the sides anyway.

Isn't it simply freedom or slavery (control)? Good vs evil?

Who am I to judge?

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You are not to judge. That was one of my initial points. You don't have time to do that and the evidence and thinking would need constant updating but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be aware of the manipulation when we read what 'the experts' say.

Your valuable work just needs a health warning, that's my point. We can all take a view bearing in mind that controlled opposition is out there and is likely to be well publicised. The media only tells you about people it wants you to know about. It only wants you to know about them because they are part of the agenda (although it's plausible they don't always know that they are, and can simply be "useful idiots").

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OK, since you vouch for them, I'll take your word for it.

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See comment above

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No need. Your word is good enough.

There are many that hope the ''experts'' coming journey is a long one.

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“A simple analogy, especially if you’re Christian, would be that The Great Reset, Agenda 2030, The New World Order, is simply Lucifer in plain sight, not masquerading or pretending – while The Great Awakening is the same old Lucifer but in disguise, pretending to be an angel of light. And that is where New Age and silly terms such as ‘lightworker’ comes from – ideas being pushed by the Q-narrative. Pure satanism pretending to be enlightenment, a false way forward towards their ‘light.’ “

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