Scarlet Fever deaths plummeted without a vaccine
Yet from September 2022 the disease is making a comeback - out of season and above average cases. Why? What has changed? A little history and some thoughs.
Doctor Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk conducted extensive research into the history of diseases and documented it in their 2013 book Dissolving Illusions.
Scarlet Fever and a little history
They stated the mortality from Scarlet Fever “surpassed that of many other infectious diseases in the 1800s. It was a far bigger killer than smallpox, whooping cough, measles, and diphtheria” [pg 193].
But then Scarlet Fever deaths plummeted following the Sanitation Revolution when hygiene and nutrition improved and “the terror of scarlet fever became a distant memory - long before antibiotics were available to treat it”.
There has never been a vaccine for this highly contagious, toxin-mediated streptococcal bacterial disease, yet it’s incidence plummeted from mid-late 1800's.
Scarlet fever is caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes.1 belonging to Group A streptococcus (GAS).
Historical disease data shows death rates decreased by 90% or more, BEFORE any major medical intervention
All other historical diseases experienced a simultaneous decline in incidence of death rates by the 1950s and 60s, a decrease between “90% to 100% without the need for any injections or major medical interventions".
For example the US death rate from measles had decreased by 98.6% before a vaccine was introduced. In England and Wales deaths from measles decreased by 99.8% from it’s peak by the time a vaccine was introduced.
Which graph would a doctor show you?
Deaths from Whooping Cough declined dramatically in England and Wales prior to the introduction of the vaccine in the 1950s. Graph B (inserted) shows a narrower window of time (1950-90), which gives the appearance that Pertussis notifications decreased as vaccination rates increased.
Healthier populations are less vulnerable to diseases - in all their forms. Today we may have good hygeine, but are we, as a popluation, healthy? Think obesity and the synthetic chemical ladened world we “swim” in everyday.
Scarlet fever results from a bacteriophage
On page 47 of Dissolving Illusions, it’s curious to note that the toxic effect of the Strep bacterium is the result of a “specific bacteriophage”, this is a bacteria-invader in the form of an RNA or DNA virus.2 In the case of Streptococcus pyogenes, the virus causes the bacteria to produce a toxin, which inturn causes the red rash symptoms.
I find that interesting that there is "virus component associated with Scarlet fever, I haven’t looked into the mechanism for DTP bacteria which are also toxiod diseases, but I’m wondering if a viral targed makes the disease a prime candidate for a mRNA vaccine?
Also worth noting the bacterium is said to “innocently colonize 15-20 percent of school children.” [pg 193], so it would seem that the toxoid trigger has been suppressed somehow…until…
Scarlet fever is on the rise
As of September 2022 Scarlet fever cases are on the rise and have been associated with the death of 13 children in England. The timing of this outbreak just so happens to coincide with the rollout of the new mRNA vaccine jabs - thanks COVID-19!!!
Curiously the outbreak is “out of sync” to the normal timing and has higher mortality rates.
"Since September 2022, there has been a significant outbreak of scarlet fever in children in Europe, and more recently, there have been documented increases in cases in the U.S. This outbreak has been unique in that it first appeared out of sync with typical seasonality and has come with higher mortality rates than normal.
Why are there Scarlet Fever outbreaks in children in both Europe and the US?
The article goes on
For example, the outbreak began in late summer and has killed 13 children under 15 in England since September. Between September and November 2022, public health agencies in England reported 4,622 cases of scarlet fever, a value significantly higher than the previous 5-year average of 1,294.
Why is the case rate 3.5 times higher than the previous 5 years?
Why are cases out of season?
How many of those cases have been mRNA vaccinated?
Who else is thinking immune system disruption due to a new medical intervention?
By September 2022 the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines had been administered to children under 15 in UK, Europe and the US.
Here are but some of the mRNA vaccine roll-out dates:
May 10, 2021 - FDA Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA for children 12-15 years - READ
May 28, 2021 - the EU grants CMA to Pfizer-BioNTech in Children 12-15 years - READ
August 26, 2021 - UK Pfizer/BioNTech rolls out in children 12-15 years - READ
September 20, 2021 - UK Pfizer/BioNTech children 5-11 - READ
October 29, 2021 - FDA Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA for children 5-11 years - READ
November 25, 2021 - the EU grants CMA to Pfizer-BioNTech in Children 5-11 years - READ
May 19, 2022 - US CDC recommend CV-19 vaccine for 5-11 years - TIMELINE
June 18, 2022 - US CDC recommend CV-19 vaccine for 6 mths and older - TIMELINE
October 19, 2022 - the EU approves Pfizer and Moderna mRNA for children from 6 mths - READ
March 15, 2023 - FDA approves Pfizer-BioNTech Bivalent vax for 6 mth-4 years - READ
The experts don’t know the cause but…
hypotheses include macrolide resistance, weakened herd immunity, environmental factors and the absence of a vaccine for the bacteria that cause the disease (group A strep)… [emphasis added]
More curiosities
Still on page 47 of Dissolving Illusions, complications from streptococcus infection
are actually the result of an auto-immune reaction from the antibody produced in response to infection
It goes onto say
Antibodies are thought to be good, but in reality they can cause problems whether induced by a vaccine or an infection.
Dwell on that for a moment.
I read that years ago, but it’s only been the education of the past 3+ years that has really brought the auto-immune mechanism home.
The pathogenic priming affect where epitopes on the pathogen ‘match’ a human protien somewhere in the body and as such when an antibody is created to an antigen, whether from infection or vaccination, that same antibody will recognise the antigen-like human protein and attack it, this is attacking “self” or auto-immunity, as I understand it.
The theory behind vaccines is to trigger the production of antibodies. But clearly not all antigens or antibodies are created equal! If a vaccine is to be created for Streptococcus…or target the Scarlet fever bactereophage lets hope they rule out this auto-immune reaction.
So I’m wondering, is a confused or disregulated immune system unable to now keep latent bacteria or bacteriophages in check?
And/or is pathogenic priming a potential mechanisms for children have died from scarlet fever?
Watch this space
So RSV is on the increase in the same timeframe that Scarlet Fever on the rise. Could the triggers be the same source?
The mRNA platform are awaiting a new market. RSV is already a target, will Scarlet Fever be next?