Am really enjoying your work. Thanks for pushing through the not a natural writer thing...

Here is a controversy that you may not have heard about... do we look at land management or do we look at CO2? and why and how it ended up going in the one direction that was sure become political and irrelevant - a distraction. The IPCC vs the IGBP. I think this is worth adding to your timelines... it affects so much of our broken thinking about 'climate change' really is... and when and how climate changes...

This is great intro to this saga: a 3 part Substack is a well written story about the shenanigans focused around the work of one scientist: https://theclimateaccordingtolife.substack.com/p/millan-millan-and-the-mystery-of (Millan Millan died in January this year at age 82 supposedly from covid - he was writing a book about his experiences... hmmm) what

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Thank you...I'll add the link to my reading list.

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Thank you I find it important to try to understand the past to see where are today and to look at where we might be heading (well not by our doing but by “their” doing!).

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The lab leak hoax is another distraction, the only way to create a worldwide pandemic is to clone lots and lots of virus and spread it all over the place.

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/lab-leak-zoonotic-spillover-or-deliberate

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I've attempted to capture the twists and turns of that timeline too


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There is a lot of data there, what were your main conclusions?

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Most older computers have upgradeable RAM, random access memory. Its cheap and easy to install. That will help you open all those tabs.

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It's had extra RAM put in.

The cursor keeps failing to highlight and any page, on and off line. I copy and paste all day every day and I'm at a loss what it could be. Done all the standard trouble shooting...may need to visit a computer doctor!

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Thank you for all you do. I wouldn't go near bitcoin. That is all part of the trap, I feel.

Philanthropy is a cloak for the introduction of a communitarian life style whether we like it or not. We are not being asked as it is introduced via technology, particularly using blockchain. The true power of blockchain is the underlying ledger designed to track digital assets. Those assets include you, a character, within the confines of the billionaires’ game. In the future it will be not so much about “currency,” but rather earning scrip, digital rights and privileges.

I was reading a piece written by Dustin Moskovitz in which he mentioned Oneproject.org. Behind the nice sounding words is a chilling, cyborg-transhumanist agenda. No wonder they encourage criticism of the government as they have the replacement sysytem in the wings and they need us to help them build it with our data and co operation.

"This essay proposes a radical alternative: that we begin to transition from our current world — dominated by amoral markets, backsliding democracies, and neo-authoritarians — to a new system for meeting our needs, wants, and goals that is effective, equitable, and ecological by design. We are advocating nothing less than replacing today’s values-blind economy with a values-first economy of which all stakeholders are fully in control". https://oneproject.org/architecture-of-abundance/

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