Very important reporting, thank you. Few others are looking at the Great Reset and the 4th Industrial Revolution as a whole and the details that underpin their plans. Alison McDowell does and you are another one. Thank God! Knowledge is power.
The new economic system is ready to go and has been planned for years by the likes of those behind the hedge funds who invest in the companies you mentioned and their state partners.
Animal trials are usually carried out before a drug is released on humans and that looks like the case with this technology which is a convenient way to make money and take control over people.
I notice they use electricity to get the replicon into cells. Electricity seems very important in their plans and not just to light our streets and drive our cars but also in the human body.
All our elite universties have been bought out and are part of the push to create a market in human capital as well as pigs and trees. Biophysics, econophysics and social physics all enmeshed. They want us to be agents in their game and live in a material world while they operate outside it, pulling our digital strings.They see a global world where we can behave only within the guidelines detailed in the Sustainable Development Goals. Carbon credits are a part of that as are the "vaccines" which seem to be population reducing as well as money making.
Part of that will no doubt be monitoring and exploiting our bodies using the RNA technology, just like they do with the poor pigs.
The obvious question to an ignorant soul like me would be, why are the pigs sick in the first place? What kind of conditions are they being kept in that allows such problems to arise? They couldn't possibly have created a problem that they happen to have the solution to? That rings a bell too.
Yes, I too noticed the "electronic gene sequence" part.
Intensively farmed livestock have disease spread through fast. From what I understand pigs a highly vaccinated already, a customisable product will only increase that.
Pet rabbits are receiving shots for Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease, manufactured by Medgene. These may be mRNA, though Medgene is not clear, stating only "Medgene's vaccine approaches leverage a USDA-approved "platform technology" that is safely and easily adapted to multiple animal disease targets."
I used to be active in rabbit rescue and care with Rabbit Advocates in Portland, OR. This organization is now requiring the Medgene RHDV2 (rabbit hemorrhagic virus) vaccination for any rabbit going to adoption or grooming events. |
This is an EUA vaccine and only partially safety tested. Its adjuvants contain aluminum, which has been implicated in various adverse events in human and animals.
Without more data and complete safety studies, I would not give this to a rabbit of mine, even though I know RHD is deadly. Ironically, the RHDV vaccines came out about the same time as Covid vaccines.
I see hardly anyone wearing a mask anymore. If I do, I think they are ill/elderly so have been frightened in to wearing a mask, or they are younger but their employer has forced them to be muzzled.
Very important reporting, thank you. Few others are looking at the Great Reset and the 4th Industrial Revolution as a whole and the details that underpin their plans. Alison McDowell does and you are another one. Thank God! Knowledge is power.
The new economic system is ready to go and has been planned for years by the likes of those behind the hedge funds who invest in the companies you mentioned and their state partners.
Animal trials are usually carried out before a drug is released on humans and that looks like the case with this technology which is a convenient way to make money and take control over people.
I notice they use electricity to get the replicon into cells. Electricity seems very important in their plans and not just to light our streets and drive our cars but also in the human body.
All our elite universties have been bought out and are part of the push to create a market in human capital as well as pigs and trees. Biophysics, econophysics and social physics all enmeshed. They want us to be agents in their game and live in a material world while they operate outside it, pulling our digital strings.They see a global world where we can behave only within the guidelines detailed in the Sustainable Development Goals. Carbon credits are a part of that as are the "vaccines" which seem to be population reducing as well as money making.
Part of that will no doubt be monitoring and exploiting our bodies using the RNA technology, just like they do with the poor pigs.
The obvious question to an ignorant soul like me would be, why are the pigs sick in the first place? What kind of conditions are they being kept in that allows such problems to arise? They couldn't possibly have created a problem that they happen to have the solution to? That rings a bell too.
Yes, I too noticed the "electronic gene sequence" part.
Intensively farmed livestock have disease spread through fast. From what I understand pigs a highly vaccinated already, a customisable product will only increase that.
Pet rabbits are receiving shots for Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease, manufactured by Medgene. These may be mRNA, though Medgene is not clear, stating only "Medgene's vaccine approaches leverage a USDA-approved "platform technology" that is safely and easily adapted to multiple animal disease targets."
I used to be active in rabbit rescue and care with Rabbit Advocates in Portland, OR. This organization is now requiring the Medgene RHDV2 (rabbit hemorrhagic virus) vaccination for any rabbit going to adoption or grooming events. |
This is an EUA vaccine and only partially safety tested. Its adjuvants contain aluminum, which has been implicated in various adverse events in human and animals. (Christopher Exley interview).
Its ingredients include : Recombinant RHDV2 protein, saline, gentamicin, thimerosal, and aluminum hydroxide.
See details at and and
Without more data and complete safety studies, I would not give this to a rabbit of mine, even though I know RHD is deadly. Ironically, the RHDV vaccines came out about the same time as Covid vaccines.
More references:
* (website advertises vaccines for SWINE, CATTLE, COMPANION/RABBITS, DEER)
* (note persistence of RNA mentioned)
Is It Just Me
Or Do The Chronically Masked
Look Like They Have Strapped
Their Own Suicide Notes
To Their Faces ?
I see hardly anyone wearing a mask anymore. If I do, I think they are ill/elderly so have been frightened in to wearing a mask, or they are younger but their employer has forced them to be muzzled.
Found some mentions of Sequivity at
Thank you for reporting.
Thanks back at you B. There is no where to comment on your stacks.
Thanks for your kind words.